Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Asthma Creates The Wrong Impression That it is Healed

Those are the words of Professor in the Department of Allergology at the Medical Academy in Sofia. Here's what the warning asks Dr. Dark for this very unpleasant and multifaceted disease: "in any case, do not try to self heal, because it won't help you. You'll still get to the doctor's Office, but long overdue... "

According to Dr.  incidence of bronchial asthma in recent years is that, as in other countries, although no accurate statistics. IE in children is about 8%, in adults, about 5 per cent. And on a slightly rough account so in Bulgarian around 400,000 people suffer from asthma. Another question is how many of those patients are treated, how they heal themselves and who they are with a light or heavy events. Asthma in Bulgarian is included in the dispensary Ordinance of the Ministry of health, there are enough specialists to provide competent assistance to the sick. https://www.smore.com/vz1y9-customized-fat-loss
Dr. recalled that over the past 50 years have seen a lasting trend of increasing incidence of bronchial asthma.

Asthma can develop at any age. In children up to 3 years dominated by cases where the symptoms of the disease are mainly related to the viral "attacks". In older children and young people are allergic, while provocateurs elderly people intervene many additional factors and allergic stimuli remain in the background, i.e. it comes to  asthma.
Dr. emphasizes that homeopathic medicine nor can cure asthma attack, nor to control the condition of the patient. And there are many such who heal themselves, and others who share that don't drink any medication except homeopathic. However, they run the risk, because sometimes go very late to the doctor's Office, and it in much more serious condition than the other patients. "Daily I see kids whose mothers have tried to treat them with all kinds of homeopathic remedies or recommended by  some stuff in there that don't have helped them, and eventually reach the us, specialists, shares Dr.

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