Wednesday 13 August 2014

Is it possible for an entity to melt?

Can herbs to "melt" myoma? This is hard for many of the so-called. natural products. So far there are no known serious studies, supporting such claims. Maybe it comes to naturally reduce the size of the myoma in , errors in diagnosis or inaccurate measurements. How will you develop a Mayo-will enlarge or decrease is almost impossible to tell. Therefore, the fact that certain uterine fibroids is diminished when the intake of a given herb, in itself is not evidence of efficacy. can degenerate into malignancy?

 uterus neoplasm, is a very rare disease-from 0.5 to 3.3 cases per 100,000 women. Having regard to the great incidences of  tumor myoma is a rare occurrence of cancer option-Sarcoma, it can be said that virtually no degenerate myoma. Proposal for operative treatment in order to prevent malignancy is untenable from a medical point of view.
Do you need in women with fibroids to carry out special control?

Although many doctors advise patients to visit a gynecologist of 6 months for control. But in the absence of symptoms, intervals of less than 1 year are not justified. The measurement of myoma can be done during a routine Checkup with making the Pap smear, which should be carried out each year.

Can you get pregnant with fibroids?

Yes, this is possible. Myoma can be considered a reason for infertility only after thoroughly eliminating all other reasons. Some forms of uterine fibroids can cause miscarriages-those are the omitted, located directly under the lining of the uterus. It is generally difficult to predict how it will develop the myoma in pregnancy. Most frequently during the first 3 months it grew. Contrary to widespread opinion that during pregnancy the myoma always grows, studies show that this occurs in less than half the cases. Often there is even a reduction in the amount, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

In most cases it is possible to successfully complete the pregnancy, but may occur and serious complications, and this depends on the specific case. Removal of myoma nodules during pregnancy or childbirth (caesarean section), although possible, is risky because of the danger of severe hemorrhage. The medical termination of pregnancy with the desired argument that you must first remove myoma and then the woman becomes pregnant, is a gross error.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Alcoholic polyneuropathy hitting in the legs

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is not deepened after cessation of alcohol and medication gradually passes.
Alcoholic polyneuropathy is one of the most common injuries of the peripheral nervous system. At the core of the clinical manifestations of this disease are the structural changes of the peripheral nerves, spinal-brain occurred as a result of chronic alcohol poisoning.
 Usually the patients complain of tingling in the feet, tingling in your toes and tightness in the muscles of the calves. These symptoms of the disease are of a transitional nature and usually appear after the older physical exertion and sudden movements. Some sufferers feel their feet cold and night time waking up from a different location.

With the development of the disease occur paresis of the feet and the sick are forced when walking to lift your legs higher, not to touch with your fingers the Earth. Observe and atrophy (decrease of volume and size) of the muscles of the lower limbs.
Such guests (significantly more rare however) can be observed in the upper limbs. Some of the sick and injured čerepnomoz″čnite nerve, optic, and eye-face. In treating alcohol polyunsaturates. use large doses of vitamin B1, B6 and B12, Nicotine and Ascorbic acid. After the initial manifestations of abate the condition taking place physiotherapy procedures, massage and remedial gymnastics.

Immunomodulators intake is a double-edged sword

In recent years, the modularization got more popular, especially during cold, flu epidemics, because they are a means for increasing immunity. And most people consider them to be absolutely safe. For this reason, accept them, without thinking whether in the end they have no contraindications. However, experts say it's best to strengthen your immunity with a simple natural remedies. And before you start taking modulators is good to do research.

Nowadays it is customary for all their diseases to blame the immunity. But the immune system is not as simple and straightforward. Even the physicians only suggest what works and responds to it. True that the contemporary reality is not at all comforting – bad ecology, stresses, hippopotami, irrational nutrition, bad habits, etc. Accordingly, this pause our defense system, but by far not all diseases are developed for this reason.
Therefore, the experts are confident that before being appointed the patient, modulators is desirable, even necessary, to conduct further research.

Many doctors prescribe modulators like that, "the eye" in justifying its this that these funds are not poisonous. So, if you don't help, there's no harm. But the truth is that in order to be appointed, must comply with monogramming, as have a systematic impact on immunity.

What should I consider when choosing a specific immunologist medicine?

In order to be entitled to prescribe this drug, the doctor is obliged:

-to have in your hands studies of the immune status of the patient;
-to justify why I recommended this preparation, but that justification to have clinical and laboratory data;
-to be familiar with the criteria for efficacy and safety of such products.

And yet the most important condition for the successful selection of stimulatory, that is the experience of the expert. In other words, the patients have to rely only on this, that, in its practice, the doctor has a such a preparation and is excellently aware of the consequences of his action.
If the attending physician has similar experience, then it is better to first consult a specialist and then drinking the drug.

The accumulated clinical experience from intake of modulators talks about that thanks to these funds actually achieves a faster and effective cure for a wide range of diseases. However, most preparations used in Immunology, have emerged only 10-15 years and have not conducted research on their safety in a more extended period. So modularization should be taken with extreme caution and in no case alone.

Nowadays the testimony about stimulator L03 intake are very fuzzy. Nobody can definitely claim that Yes, you can and should accept such preparations. But however, there are a few important rules that doctors should observe when appointing such drugs.

Untreated diabetic retinopathy leading to blindness.

Reinterpretation affects the retina, located on the inside of the eyeball. The disease occurs in patients with diabetes and is one of the main causes of low vision in the adult population. It is found in all types of diabetes. Did you leave without treatment, leading to blindness. The risks to develop retinopathy in diabetes patients growing depending on the duration of the disease. The reasons are long periods of high blood sugar that damage the small blood vessels (capillaries) of the retina.
For the beginning of the process are typical frequent bleeding and cholesterol deposits in the retina, which are formed as a result of the increased permeability of blood vessels. The accumulation leads to a growing trend the capillaries of the retina to cease to function. Often observed swelling of the retina.

Clogged capillaries are unable to provide oxygen to the retina, which is the reason for the formation of new capillaries, incomplete. Control of blood glucose level and diabetes helps reduce the progression of retinopathy.

The disease can be classified in different ways. Mainly discusses three types:

The specialists considered these conditions not as different diseases, but rather as separate stages of the disease, which means that the disease continuously progresses.Diabetic retinopathy can meet the definition simple retinopathy. At this stage, it is observed a slight swelling of the walls of capillaries. It's a sign of the presence of (enlargement of capillaries) is the appearance of tiny red dots on the retina. Thin yellow deposits form of dried eksudanti (proteins of blood) in the retina. In this stage of the disease not concerned different symptoms. Beginning of the pathological process, however, can be found by an ophthalmologist, which imposes a requirement that people with diabetes on a regular basis to carry out preventive examinations of their vision.
It is believed that retinopathy occurs after the third year of the beginning of diabetic disease in type I and type II diabetes is found in parallel. In principle, the establishment of the diabetic retinopathy in patients that do not suggest the disease of diabetes, were conducting a consultation in a reliable and establishing an endocrinologist disease and taking the therapy.

Obŝopraktikuvaŝiât doctor is required to issue a direction for professional review of the patient with neproliferativna retinopathy for establishment of diabetic disease.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

You're Not Alone Antibiotic

If you notice that exhalation is more prolonged by inhalation or cost you extra effort needed immediate treatment. If you smoke for many years and in the last two years, three months in the cough year necessarily review . Pay attention to the phlegm. If you are a yellowish-green and increase quantity, this is the sign of a flare-up of bronchitis, which should heal. Such flare-ups can be accompanied by fever and malaise.
The most important thing is to learn to control your breathing. The duration of the inhalation rate must equal the length of exhalation. Therefore, if you notice that the exhalation is more prolonged by inhalation or cost you extra effort needed immediate treatment.

Of course, the refusal from smoking is the surest way to lengthen your life, although it is not within the reach of everyone to finally stop smoking. But even if you do, you're not going to solve the problem. Require a few healing course with the help of expectorant and means, as well as antibiotics. It is useful, as well as the need for other effective alternative methods to relieve this condition.
 bronchitis require treatment with antibiotics. Do not ignore the exact requirements of your personal physician for dosage and the duration of their intake. Even if you drop the temperature, even decrease sputum. Otherwise the body will produce microbes that are resistant to the antibiotic and the next time this medication will not help. For this reason, in any case, don't bother with self-healing, don't take every time the same antibiotic. The bacteria are constantly adapted to antibiotics and sometimes even strong and tested drugs proved ineffective. Therefore, any flare-up trust treating physician, he will select the right medicine.

In some people the virus appears after the lowering of immunity

Once you have chicken pox virus moves on to nerve plexuses-nerve ganglia, located next to the spine. He penetrates into them and remain in an inactive state. In some people the virus can "sleep" the LAD. In others, under the terms of the factors lowering immunity (such as severe illness or stress), the virus awakens and causes Lichen (Burke). Not clear up the causes of its activation. It is not difficult to diagnosis (Burke) Herpes-in the presence of a typical rash accompanied with pain and localized to specific parts of the body. More difficult to diagnose a rash similar to atypical manifestations of simple herpes. In complex situations for diagnosis a decisive role played by laboratory tests.
Hints of specialists
Keep the blisters clean, however do not use scented soap or aromatic oils for bath. Limit water treatments, rather the time you spend in the bathroom, because it slows down the healing of wounds.
You can shove ice cubes of the blisters, as they wrap up in pure pressed a tissue soaked in lajkova tincture. Wear comfortable, loose clothes from natural fabrics. Take vitamins to help regeneration of the skin and nerves: the vitamins of the Group b, vitamin a and vitamin e in your menu should present fresh vegetables, fruits and bread.

For the treatment of herpes zoster are prescribed modern effective antiviral preparations. If you do it on time, will protect you from developing the painful post herpetic neuralgia. The sooner you start taking antiviral medication, the higher is the impact of them.

Common rashes occurring in the waist and hips, are accepted for the Lichen (Burke). But here it's about genital herpes whose clinical form bears the name "menstrual herpes." In this case, take antiviral medication. Furthermore, it is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist.

Hair loss is a major symptom of disease!

Allow the release of hair is often a side reaction of drugs, lowering fat in the bloodstream of substances that prevent blood clotting, and preparations against high blood pressure, says Maria Chief Medical Officer of aesthetic medicine in clinic. We offer you her opinion of the current problem-hair loss concerning both men and women, published in the popular Russian website.

The role of hair is to pull toxins from the scalp. In addition, it protects the brain from harmful substances and external influences. The hair contributes to the production of vitamin D to a greater degree than the skin.
The condition of the hair is an indicator of the general physical and mental health of the person. Many people with hair loss resort to more unconventional methods of treatment, after having already tried unsuccessfully at various remedies and recipes. The fall of hair can be temporarily or permanently, affecting individual parts or all of the hairy part of the head.

Observations have shown that hair loss is increasing most in the period of changing the spring with summer and autumn with winter since then old hairs fall out to make place for new and healthy.

Hair loss occurs not only in adults but also in young children-most often after the disorder of the endocrine glands. In younger people

the reasons may be hereditary

It can occur due to hormonal imbalance, poor nutrition or pollution of the body after a serious illness.

When the elderly appears the so-called. Nursing hair loss. Recently, however, more and more young men, between 20-30 years, have highly dilute hair. Not a few cases of young girls with too thin hair. Enhanced falling hair can get and when pregnant and mothers during breastfeeding. Importance in these cases have malnutrition, fears or concerns about your child.

If daily brush you remain more than 100 hairs and hair very thin with time, so you have a serious problem. Many women then resorted to treatment with expensive drugs and tinctures for the hair. The most efficient!

Shedding of hair is serious enough symptom for temporary or beginning of a chronic disease, and not even suspect that befallen us. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary

a consultation with a dermatologist

It is best when you decide to go for a consultation with a specialist, your hair is not izmivana at least 2 days. Should not be used experimentally, by his own desire, medicinal preparations for stopping hair loss.

The doctor makes checking the condition of the skin on the head with a special camera, increasing between 60 to 200 times the size of the hair. Take for analysis and a small area of skin. The procedure itself is not at all painful. Taken from various places of the head and a few hairs for biochemical analysis.

This laboratory will reveal the intensity of the exchange of substances in hair and what drug treatment is necessary.
It is possible that the dermatologist to appoint additional blood tests – biochemical and certain hormones. As-if necessary-and consultation with a gynecologist, an endocrinologist or a gastroenterologist, which will make the diagnosis more accurate.

After 2-3 days there will be the result of this first review the condition of the scalp and hair on her. Based on all the research will be assigned the necessary treatment.